Medienprojektwoche 2021

Medienwoche 2021

„Vielfalt, Offenheit, Toleranz“ war das Motto der diesjährigen Medienprojektwoche. Vom 16. bis 22. Dezember beschäftigten sich die Schülerinnen und Schüler der 1. bis 12. Klasse in fast 30 Workshops mit Themen wie Hate Speech, Cybermobbing und Antisemitismus und diskutierten über Medienkonsum. Zudem verglichen sie die Weihnachtsbräuche in verschiedenen Ländern miteinander. Die Workshops umfassten einen bis mehrere Tage, einige wurden in Kooperation mit „Schule ohne Rassismus“ und der Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung durchgeführt. Entstanden sind zahlreiche kreative Arbeiten wie Videos, Podcasts, Zeichnungen, Memes oder Poster. Diese Seite gibt Ihnen einen Eindruck über die Aktivitäten der Schülerinnen und Schüler.

Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Grußbotschaft zur Medienprojektwoche

Dokumentation Medienprojektwoche

Students of the Klax School's documentation group conducted interviews with the workshop leaders during the media project week.

Their idea was to produce a small film to capture important goals and contents of the media project week and to give the school community as well as outsiders an impression of how the Klax School deals with the topics of "diversity, tolerance and openness" in today's digital age.

To realise this, Alexander Wohlgemuth, Dustin Range, Leonard Zergiebel, Lorenzo Hartwich and Constantin Claessen from classes 10a and 10b came up with questions for the new headmaster Peter Jepsen and the teachers involved. They then conducted set and situational interviews and did camera work and editing. The documentary group used the school's newly equipped media room and the new green screen technology for this.

The work was accompanied musically by the pupils Anton Schramm (10b) and Marion Diaz (11th grade). Both produced their own lo-fi track for the video within two days.

Workshops Grundstufe

The pupils looked at festivals and holidays around the world and wrote stories together.

1a & 1b | estivals and holidays around the world
1a & 1b | estivals and holidays around the world

In this workshop, the pupils explored the themes of tolerance, diversity and openness in fairy tales and wrote stories themselves.

Lana and Prinz Paul (german)
Aiden (English)

There are a lot of holidays around the world in the winter months. For example, there is Thanksgiving and Christmas, Carnival in Brazil and then the Chinese New Year. Who celebrates what and when? What customs are there? In this workshop, the students looked at celebrations around the world and made stop motion films.

Viruses, advertising, subscription traps - the internet can be dangerous. The participants of this workshop explored the question of how one can protect oneself from such dangers. For this purpose, they made an explanatory film.

4a & 5 | Dangers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!
4a & 5 | angers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!
4a & 5 | angers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!
4a & 5 | Dangers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!
4a & 5 | Dangers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!
4a & 5 | Dangers on the Internet - How to protect yourself!

In this workshop, the participants dealt with the topics of tolerance and inclusion. The result was an exhibition and an explanatory film.

Dangers such as cyberbullying and misinformation can lurk on the internet. And what is actually hate speech? In this workshop, the students worked out ways to protect themselves from the dangers of the internet.

Sidra, Amanda, Lya and Emma
Elias and Bruno
Ethan and Izaak
Mohd, Luis, Erik and Nikolai
Alina, Zaharija and Bo
Tom, Bruno and Mr. Timm

Workshops Mittelstufe und Gymnasiale Oberstufe

How do you create a secure password? What dangers lurk on the Internet? And what are viruses and Trojans? In the workshop "The Cybermights", the participants became detectives and solved a case involving Internet crime.

What is Hate Speech in the Digital Space? What are the forms, effects and causes of hate speech? Together, the pupils in this workshop considered what possibilities there are to fight back. To do this, they created creative memes.

Hate Speech – Memes

What are the tasks and functions of the media in Germany? What is the difference between public and private broadcasting? What are the legal foundations? Are social media a threat or an asset for the formation of political opinion? The participants of this workshop explored these questions and critically examined the role of journalists and the media.


The media gives us a clear picture of gender roles. What effects gender inequality, discrimination and the differentiation of rigid gender roles have on society was explored by the students in this workshop.

What is cyberbullying? Why do perpetrators bully others? How do those affected feel? The participants of the workshop explored these questions, because bullying is a widespread phenomenon, especially at school. Cyberbullying is reinforced by the anonymity of the internet and the lack of social control. Together with Stefan Müller from "School without Racism", the students developed tools to counter cyberbullying.


Computer games can become addictive. How can this be prevented? In this workshop, the pupils looked at their own addictive behaviour in relation to the media, reflected critically and worked out ways of preventing it.


In this workshop, the pupils dealt with human rights and equal opportunities and created political collages. They processed, distorted and reassembled visual and written information and worked with image editing programmes. The result is critical commentary on our world.

Political Collages
Political Collages
Political Collages
Political Collages
Political Collages
Political Collages
Political Collages

What Christmas traditions are there in different countries? How did Christmas come into being and what is the meaning of Christmas? These are the questions the pupils of the 11th grade explored in this workshop.

Christmas poem (german)
Christmas Italy Mixdown (german)
Christmas fairy tale Russia Mixdown (german)

Recognising, defining and critically questioning oneself is not that easy. In this workshop, the students dealt with self-perception and self-determination, their personal strengths and weaknesses and created personal visions for the future. They recorded their results in self-portraits.

Who am I?
Who am I?
Who am I?

In this workshop, the students dealt with their bullying experiences and re-enacted scenes they had experienced.

We all consume a wide variety of media every day. In this workshop, the participants searched for data on media consumption and derived findings from it, for example, whether there is a connection between media consumption and school performance.

Anti-Semitism is still present in our society. But how did it come about? In this workshop, participants looked at the historical development of anti-Semitism, discussed forms of modern anti-Semitism and explored the question of why there is so much hatred towards Jews of all people.

Literature, film, games, social media - these are just some of the media that play a role in our world. The students created a media list in this workshop.

What effects does belonging to a certain social class have on issues such as education, health, mentality or habitus? The students explored this question in this workshop, looked at the distribution of wealth in Germany and discussed the phenomenon of the education funnel.

In keeping with the upcoming Christmas holidays, the pupils of Class 8 have been looking into the origins and meaning of the festival and have also taken a look at customs and traditions in different countries.

How to react to exclusionary statements and insults? Defamatory statements can leave you speechless. In this workshop, conducted by Gegen Vergessen - für Demokratie e.V., the students learned how to react, contradict and argue when confronted with statements they feel are unfair.