School Registration

You can register your child without obligation at our school using the online registration form. We will inform you about the next step in the application process after we have reviewed the information. For more information on how to register at our school, please see our FAQ section.

Documents required for registration

  • Letter of motivation / picture produced by the child describing their motivation for admission to an art-intensive school
  • Report from the last school semester
All fields marked with * are mandatory.

Personal details of the child


Registration / School change


Motivation letter / image

Please ask your child to explain why they would like to visit the Klax School. Alternatively, you may enclose a corresponding image with the application.
Upload requirements

Changing schools

Previous school

As part of the registration process, we reserve the right to contact the abovementioned schools with regard to school reports or fur further references.

School grades of the last school report

School report

Please attach the child’s last school report to the registration form.
Upload requirements

Motivation letter

Please ask your child to explain why they would like to visit the Klax School. Alternatively, you may enclose a corresponding image with the application.

For pupils who would like to be taught bilingually, the letter of motivation must be written in English.

Upload requirements

Legal guardian

Place of residence like that of the child?
Single parent authority?

2. Legal guardian

Place of residence as that of the child?

Billing address

Rechnungsanschrift Fachoberschule


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