Technical College Maturity in Two Years
From the 2024/25 School Year, students can obtain Technical College Maturity (Fachhochschulreife) at Klax School within two years. The Vocational Secondary School specializing in health and social care with a focus on social pedagogy provides prospective educators with specialist knowledge for their future ahead of their academic studies.
The Vocational Secondary School concludes with the 12th Grade and qualifies students to study at a technical college (Fachhochschule). At the end the young people acquire comprehensive vocational, social and personal skills. For this purpose, theoretical basics are combined with practical knowledge transfer in internships.
All subjects can basically be studied at a technical college (Fachhochschule) with this type of degree.
Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Soziales
Vor allem angehenden Pädagogen vermittelt die Fachoberschule in der Fachrichtung Gesundheit und Soziales mit dem Schwerpunkt Sozialpädagogik schon vor ihrem Studium Fachkenntnisse für ihre zukünftige Tätigkeit. Damit sind Sie optimal auf ein Studium in den Bereichen Pädagogik und Erziehungswissenschaften vorbereitet.
Admission Requirements
Mittlerer Schulabschluss (MSA) with entitlement to transfer to the gymnasiale Oberstufe (upper secondary school)
Mittlerer Schulabschluss (MSA) with a grade point average not higher than 10 in German, mathematics and 1st foreign language.
Important: At the beginning of the school year, students may not yet have reached the age of 21.
Work Experience (Praktikum)
For students without previous vocational training, an internship of at least 800 hours is obligatory in the first school year. We are happy to provide places in the Klax facilities (crèche, nursery or after-school care) for the internship.
Secondary Schools
After acquiring the Fachhochschulreife, it is possible to transfer to a Berufsoberschule in order to additionally take the general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) or the Fachgebundene Hochschulreife.
Information Evening
Get to know us on one of our information evenings. We will show you the class rooms, present our educational concept and explain our project work. Self-organised learning, modern media education, and the perfect class sizes from primary school to graduation. Upcoming events can be found here.
Die monatlichen Kosten für die Fachoberschule betragen 350 Euro.
Alle Preise verstehen sich als Endpreise, d.h. eine evtl. Mehrwertsteuer ist bereits enthalten.