Wir nutzen die luca-App

We use the luca app

Many people already know the luca app from shops and cultural institutions. Now we are also using it at the Klax school and thus fulfilling our pandemic-related documentation obligations in customer traffic. Until now, all visitors had to enter their data on paper. Thanks to the app, this now also works in a simple, digital way.

We do not see your personal data, because it appears as an encrypted file. Only the health authorities are able to analyse them for contact tracing. We thus support the initiative of the city of Berlin for the uniform use of the luca app for documentation and contact tracing.

Important: Students, teachers and administrative staff do not have to check in and out.

And this is how it works

Depending on your device, you download the luca app free of charge from the Apple Store or the Google Playstore and enter your personal data there once. Whether you are in a shop or at the Klax school, you can scan the QR code with the camera of your mobile phone, a window will open and you can easily check in and check out again later.

You don't have luca? No problem!

In the entrance area of our facilities you have the possibility to enter your data on a tablet provided. Checking in and out also works there via the luca app.

How does the luca app work exactly?

Your personal data is encrypted, creating temporary QR codes. Only the health department can decode these.

By scanning a QR code, the encrypted contact data is transmitted. Depending on the location, either the guest or the operator scans the QR code.

The data is then stored on ISO-27001 certified German servers and deleted after a maximum of 30 days.

In the event of an infection, the public health department can request and decrypt your contact history. You will be informed directly by the office if you have had contact with an infected person.

Would you like to know more?

You can find out more on the website of the luca app. You can also download the data protection regulations specific to the luca app in PDF format.