Our school mentors

School mentors for lively learning

Successful learning needs authentic adults. Our school mentors are public figures who contribute their expertise and experience to our school community. They are role models in the development of important values and provide impetus for the future visions of children and young people. In regular exchanges with teachers and pupils, they support and inspire the project work at the Klax School.

Linda Liukas: School mentor for learning in the digital age

Portrait Linda Liukas

Linda Liukas is our school mentor for learning in the digital age. As the author and illustrator of the global bestseller Hello Ruby, she inspires children all over the world to learn about computers, programming and AI. She is the founder of Rails Girls, a global movement that teaches coding to young women in over 260 cities.

More about Linda Liukas at lindaliukas.com

Become a school mentor

Our school mentors are experts in a key topic and enrich our school community through regular projects and events. In doing so, they benefit from numerous opportunities for exchange with our student body. The activities of our school mentors are a regular topic of discussion in our school community and are shared via our public networks. All school mentors are introduced on our website and receive the Klax School yearbook every year. If you would like to get involved in our school community as a school mentor, please contact us.

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