October 1st was all about the Makers: On Code Week Day, the pupils of Klax Schule tinkered, built and presented new, future-oriented ideas.
All tools available in the Klax repertoire were used.Whether Lego bricks, tablets or felt pens, everything was integrated to develop thermometers, self-propelled cars or the learning methods of the future.
The students quickly realised how complex development is and how many individual steps are necessary to construct a functioning robot or the learning system of the future.
The pupils of the 11th grade went to work with a very specific goal: After their visit to STAEDTLER in Nuremberg at the end of September, they focused on digital-based learning. The use of VR glasses and digital pens should make teaching more tangible and memorable in the future.
The students see great potential in virtual tutorials and online conferences with experts. Knowledge would thus be more far-reaching.The work on streaming also makes it possible to catch up on missed lessons, to repeat what you have already learned at any time and to save it according to your individual (learning) preferences.