Printing, cutting, carpentry, knitting, photography and much more.
During the fall project week, students learned about different work techniques and were quite creative.
From 4th to the 8th October, the school held the Autumn Project Week. Students from grades 1 to 12 worked in a total of 24 groups on different projects. Some learned old handicraft techniques such as sewing, crocheting and knitting, while others used modern graphics programs to cut out individual parts for their products on the laser cutter or plotter.
In the primary school, students also sawed, hammered, felted and painted, and designed autumn wreaths or made soaps and candles. Beautiful calendars were created from the linoleum prints and photographs made. Some of the children and young people were out and about during the week with cameras, notepads and pens, recording their impressions for later documentation. The elementary and secondary music groups practiced all week for the program to accompany the fall market, where parents and grandparents were invited to come by, admire the products - and buy them. The proceeds were donated to the Afghan Women's Association again this year.