Excellent vocational orientation at the Klax School

Das Siegel wird übergeben


For the first time, the Klax School has been awarded the quality seal for excellent vocational orientation. With this seal, the Klax School shows that the preparation of the students for the academic and professional path after school is a high priority. From the 7th grade onwards, the students have various opportunities to explore their strengths and to inform themselves about professional fields.
In interviews, the school management, students, teachers, parents and the Youth Employment Agency answered the auditors' questions about the implementation of the vocational orientation concept. The audit team praised the interdisciplinary project work, the portfolio documentation, the ways of self-organised learning, the students' willingness to learn and the involvement of parents. The position of the Makerspace with its analogue and digital implementation possibilities was particularly emphasised. At the end of September 2023, the seal was handed over in a ceremony.