The moment when students hold their diplomas in their hands is one of the most special moments of their school career. After an exciting time at school and the final spurt of exams, we celebrated this great success together on Friday, June 30, 2023. In a festive setting, the evening was opened by celebratory speeches from the school's management, teachers and students. And then came the big moment that the students had worked so hard for: The graduation certificates were ceremoniously presented on stage. Afterwards, a festive buffet with culinary delicacies was shared. The school DJs Anton and Marlon ensured a lively atmosphere on the dance floor.
We are happy to announce that all students of the 13th grade received their Abitur. This year, the annual average at our school is 2.0. We are incredibly proud of this achievement!
From the 10th grade cohort, 37 students will prepare for the Abitur over the next three years. Overall, all of our students graduate from middle school with a high school diploma. Congratulations! We are proud of you!