Klax School receives the Comenius EduMedia Seal 2022

Klax Vertreter bei der Verleihung des Comenius Awards

On 23.06.2022, the annual award ceremony for the Comenius Medals and Seals in the Europe-wide Comenius EduMedia competition took place at the Chamäleon Theatre in Berlin. The awards are presented by the Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e.V. (GPI). The awards of the scientific professional society GPI honour outstanding digital educational media for work, education, school, culture and leisure.

In the category "Learning Management Systems", our Lebendig Lernen gGmbH and community school were awarded for the utilization, management and improvement of hybrid teaching with Microsoft Teams. We are very happy, because we have designed the digital platforms at the Klax School together with our students. That makes us particularly proud of this award! A duo of our media officer and an 8th grade student received the seal as representatives of the Klax School and made a nice statement.

The keynote speech "Digital teaching - ethical duty instead of nice to have" by Prof. Dr. Dr. Matthias O. Rath* once again emphasised the importance of digital media and their use in everyday school life for children, as well as for adults. And it showed how relevant they are for a common future. We live this attitude at the Klax School and are happy that our digital methods for teaching are recognised throughout Europe.

During the award ceremony, other participants of the competition were presented, as well as app developers demonstrated some of their pedagogically important programmes.

A thoroughly successful day!


See more about the work of the GPI and photos of the event here.




*(Director of the Institute of Philosophy at the Ludwigsburg University of Education and Head of the Research Centre Youth - Media - Education)