On 25 January, the bi-annual Makerspace exhibition took place in the Makerspace. The exhibition was divided into two areas: In the first, the prototypes of the subject Maker & Design could be tested, in the second, the members of the different maker clubs advertised for new members. For example, the Plastics Recycling group would like to set up as a school company after the winter holidays and is still looking for new members who are interested in business! In addition, a Makerthon was advertised, which is to take place as a day event on February 24th. This year's Maker Fair focused especially on the world of coding. In addition to advertising the Computer Science Youth Competition, there was an advisory stand on the question of why one should choose Computer Science in the Upper School. To crown it all, the long-running robot maze competition took place in the afternoon. Amidst much emotion, Damian's mBot from the sixth grade prevailed and was able to autonomously wind its way through the labyrinth. Congratulations also to the teams Amelie & Lina, Louis, Nick, Mats and Perry! We hope that even more pupils from secondary school I & II will register for the next robotics competition at the end of the school year!