Theatre project week under the motto: "Reloaded! Pinocchio in the net of temptation!"

Under the direction of theatre teacher Sandra Buttstädt, the pupils from the middle and upper school produced the play "Reloaded! Pinocchio in the net of temptation". It is an adaptation of the original "Pinocchio" by Carlo Collodi.
The audience discovers Pinocchio from the perspective of the blue fairies, who are personified as "A" and "I", an "Arificial Intelligence". The two have been programmed to relieve humanity. In the dystopian outlook of their dream, humans have lost their abilities: empathy, hunger for experience, creativity and depth no longer exist. The blue fairies do not accept this prospect and decide to make humans human again. They send Pinocchio seducers and counsellors to challenge his personal growth.
During the project week, the pupils explored topics such as "City of the future", "Chat GPT vs. creative writing" and intergenerational conflicts and presented them in a project exhibition. They trained their communication skills, acquired new technical skills, discussed and took responsibility for individual project tasks, such as creating the programme flyer.
We are impressed by the great projects and performances and join in the applause of the audience. An excellent performance! You can find an impression of the project work and the recording of the theatre performance in the gallery.
The Performance of the Play
Recording of the theater performance from march 6, 2024.