We are International Sustainability School!

Schüler nehmen die Auszeichnung entgegen


We are an Environmental School in Europe - International Sustainability School!

The jury was convinced by the way the Klax school thinks about the climate and the future together. At the Future Day, which is held once a school year, the focus is on sustainable topics such as information on study and training professions with a focus on renewable energies or sustainability for the pupils. And the newly founded recycling school company "2LifePlastic Berlin" deals with recycling and environmental topics. "It enables the students not only to gain their first experiences in real economic life, but also to actively deal with environmental issues, to develop and implement their own ideas," explained André Timm, head of the Makerspace at the Klax School at the award ceremony in the Rotes Rathaus. In June 2023, three students from our 7th grade presented the company and its activities at the marketplace of environmental schools and made this award possible with their commitment.